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 集古齋開業於一九五八年,當時店址位於中環 皇后大道中10號之中和行,主要經營古籍、舊書、碑帖、佛經等業務。隨後營業項目擴增,經營新舊書畫、文房四寶及文玩等,開設展覽廳,舉辦書畫展覽。 後來亦經過數次的搬遷至現址。

  集古齋經常介紹內地的名畫家來港與本港藝術界互相交流,同時又把本港藝術家的作品送到中國內地巡迴展覽 。開業以來,扮演着海內外藝術界溝通的橋樑,曾舉辦各種類型的書畫展覽和各項有關活動超過三佰個,對宣揚中國傳統書畫藝術,擴大中國書畫在國際上的影響,以及推動本港文化藝術做了不少工作,給本港和海外美術愛好者留下良好印象。

  集古齋從不間斷地努力為海內外美術愛好者和收藏家搜羅更多高質量的中國書畫作品,以 滿足本港及海外各界人士的藝術需求。


  Tsi Ku Chai began its business in 1958 on Central House, 10 Queen's Road Central, Central District, as a dealer of traditionally bound books, used books, rubbings of stone inscriptions, and Buddhist scriptural books. At the same time its scope of business was broadened to include the buying and selling of such items as Chinese paintings and calligraphic works, brand-new or used books, writing implements and related gadgets. Exhibitions were frequently held.

  Tsi Ku Chai has always functioned as a bridge making possible the communication between the artistic circle of Mainland China and that of Hong Kong. On the one hand the Company sponsors visiting artists from Mainland china; on the other hand it arranges touring exhibitions in the Mainland for the works of Hong Kong artists. In recent years there has been a widening of the perspective in that special efforts have been made in promoting the works of some promising young artists of China.

  Here it will be apt to recall that over the past forty years over three hundred exhibitions of various types and various scales, together with related activities of various sorts, had been organized by the Company. There is no doubt that this has contributed in no modest way to the promotion of the art of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy, and to the enhancement of the international influence that these Chinese arts may maintain. In face of the increasing demand from connoisseurs and collectors in Hong Kong and overseas, Tsi Ku Chai will persevere in following the principle of supplying only those art works that reach a high degree of excellence.

  畫廊: 香港中環域多利皇后街9-10號中商大廈三樓

  電話: 852 - 2526 2388      傳真: 852 - 2522 7953

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